Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Little Luxuries – Can’t Wait to Try Them!

So many people think that dietitian’s don’t “do” indulgences and don’t “allow” others to do it either. It couldn’t be farther from the truth – at least among the levelheaded dietitians that I know. We love our food, and we love our good food.

I personally love my sweets – desserts. Chocolate, usually. Lemon something or a good crème brulee stands out. But I’ll go with just about anything except perhaps a Black Forest or a meringue, but the rest is pretty much open.

I get frustrated when I go out to eat however, because I often find that when I’m finished with my meal, I’m too full to have dessert, let alone enjoy dessert. And I do want to enjoy dessert!

So, my husband and I, and sometimes our son, and sometimes all by myself, go to a great place here in Albuquerque: Flying Star Café. They have fantastic desserts made daily. If you go early afternoon to early evening you can get a pretty good selection. As the day goes one they start to run out, and once they are out, you outta luck… My favorite is Chocolate Mousse Cake, which tends to disappear pretty quickly and isn’t there if we go in the later evening. So my second choice is generally a toss up between the Crème Brulee, Carrot Cake and the German Chocolate Cake (which is best when left in the car for about an hour on a warm day). But I do try some of the new items that pop up too.

The one downfall here is these desserts are extraordinarily large, at least from my view. I have conservatively estimated some of them to be my entire days calories in a single piece, probably more with the items that have nuts. I have asked, even though I don’t think I really want to know about the nutrition information on some of the food items. Unfortunately, they do not currently have nutrition information on their foods, which is pretty common at locally owned restaurants.

When I get these always-great desserts, I really have to struggle to finish them. I also inevitably have a sugar headache the next day! One would think I would be willing to forego these “Large Luxuries” for the headache. I do…for a month or two, but then I just have to go for it, and deal with the sugar hangover the next day.

If only I could have the wonderful dessert in maybe a half portion…? It is so rare that my husband wants chocolate – so sharing? Out of the question!

My dreams have come true! Today I in my email, my Flying Star Frequent Flyer eNews announcing the forthcoming “Little Luxuries”…smaller pastries to satisfy my sweet tooth and just might not give me a headache! Just might not give me an extra (ahem) calories. And best of all, I don’t have to sacrifice what I really want and share a non-chocolate dessert with my husband!

Flying Star, here are my requests for the Little Luxuries Line: Chocolate Mousse Cake, Crème Brulee, Carrot Cake, German Chocolate Cake, the Kahlua Chocolate one…and maybe a smaller version of the Bread Pudding. I’ve always wanted to try the bread pudding, but it is just too much.

I will be there in February asking for the Little Luxuries line. And I’m telling my friends!

Eat Well, Live Well, and Be Well – and enjoy those Little Luxuries in small amounts.

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